Planning Applications: 

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Application Reference: 24/1561/HH

Grid Reference: E: 331661 N: 292178 for Repair/replacement of roof, demolition/replacement of porch, air source heat pump and associated works at Graigfryn, Snead, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys, SY15 6EB.

Application Reference: 24/1560/LBC

Grid Reference: E: 331661 N: 292178 for Repair/replacement of roof, demolition/replacement of porch, internal refurbishment and associated works at Graigfryn, Snead, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys, SY15 6EB.

Application Reference: 24/1671/REM

Grid Reference: E: 330095 N: 295255 for Section 73 application to remove conditions 9 and 10 of planning approval 19/1782/FUL in relation to passing bays at Great Brithdir, Old Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys, SY15 6EH.

Application Ref: 24/1605/TRE Application

Grid Ref: E: 327115 N: 293952 for Removal of spruce tree in conservation area at Raven Hill Cottage, Churchstoke, Montgomery SY15 6AF.

Application Reference: 24/1545/HH

Grid Reference: E: 328781 N: 293833 for Proposed porch replacement and single storey side extension replacing existing glazed conservatory at Bryn Cando, Old Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6DJ.

Application Reference: 24/1364/HH

Grid Reference: E: 327894 N: 293898 for Erection of a two-storey rear extension and minor internal alterations at View Terrace, Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6AJ.

Application Ref: 24/1243/TRE Application, MapPhoto

Grid Ref: E: 327115 N: 293952 for Spruce tree located in rear garden within a conservation area at Raven Hill Cottage, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys, SY15 6AF.

Application Reference: 24/1133/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 330110 N: 293353 for Erection of Slurry Lagoon and all associated works at Land Adjacent To Broadway Hall, Snead, Montgomery, Powys, SY15 6EB.

Application Reference: 24/1092/LBC

Grid Reference: E: 324109 N: 292497 for Conversion and extension of paddock barn to dwelling together with internal and external works and alterations at Barn At Bacheldre Hall, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys SY15 6TE.

Application Reference: 24/1171/HH

Grid Reference: E: 330927 N: 297846 for Proposal: Conversion of attached garage into en-suite bedroom and erection of new outbuilding at Site Address: The Wetstones, Weston Road, White Grit, Minsterley, Shrewsbury SY5 0JJ.

Application Reference: 24/1109/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 327441 N: 294486 for Erection of stable with fodder store at Little Meadow, Hall Bank, Churchstoke, Montgomery SY15 6EN.

Application Reference: 24/0907/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 324071 N: 292526 for Conversion of barn to dwelling, new access and all associated works at Barn Near Bacheldre Hall, Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6TE.

Application Reference: 24/0826/HH

Grid Reference: E: 329142 N: 294508 for Erection of new carport adjacent to existing property at Roundton House, Old Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys SY15 6EL.

Application Reference: 24/0773/TEL

Grid Ref: E: 328131 N: 293736 for Part 24 of Schedule 2 of the GPDO 1995 notification for installation of a new 20m high Valmont climbable monopole on a concrete base with 6No. proposed antennas at 18.9m and 4No. 600m dishes at 14.65m with associated equipment. Works at ground level include the installation of 2 cabinets and ancillary apparatus. The proposed telecom mast replaces a nearby site at Land To East Of Montgomery Waters Ltd And Churchstoke Shopping Centre, Churchstoke, Montgomery SY15 6AN.

Application Reference: 24/0638/REM

Grid Reference: E: 325553 N: 290506 for Section 73 application to remove conditions 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of planning approval P/2012/1274 in relation to occupancy as holiday let at The Dairy House, Cwm Linton, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys, SY15 6TN.

Application Reference: 24/0568/HH

Grid Reference: E: 330927 N: 297846 for Conversion of existing garage into a en-suite bedroom, erection of a new outbuilding at The Wetstones, Weston, Road, Whit Grit, Minsterley, Shrewsbury SY5 0JJ.

Pre-application Consultation by Developer: Site Notice

For Construction of a separate slurry lagoon and all associated works at Land Adjacent to Broadway Hall, Snead, Montgomery, Powys, SY15 6EB.  Details at

Application Reference: 24/0378/HH

Grid Reference: E: 331161 N: 294166 for Rear extension to provide sun room and bedroom at Rhiastyn House, Hyssington, Montgomery, SY15 6AT.

Application Reference: 24/0198/HH

Grid Reference: E: 328489 N: 294474 for Erection of detached garage at Heather Cottage, Old Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6DH.

Application Reference: 23/1929/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 327965 N: 293717 for Erection of an extension at Montgomery Natural Spring Water, Crosslikey Supermarket, Churchstoke. Montgomery, Powys.

Application Reference: 23/1839/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 328845 N: 293235 for Extension of existing agricultural building for vehicle workshop at The Broads, Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6DU.

Application Reference: 23/1795/REM

Grid Reference: E: 327554 N: 293963 for Section 73 application to remove condition 16 of planning permission 19/1798/REM (residential development of up to 45 dwellings) to allow for amended plans at Development At Land Adjoining Fir House, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys.

Application Reference: 23/1704/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 327770 N: 293858 for Erection of 6 dwellings and associated works at Land East Of Courtlands, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys SY15 6AH.

Application Reference: 23/1394/HH

Grid Reference: E: 329202 N: 291376 for Erection of a two storey extension at Aston View, Montgomery, SY15 6TA.

Application Reference: 23/1372/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 327550 N: 294575 for Change of use of agricultural land to domestic curtilage adjacent to allocated housing site (19/0993/OUT) at Land Adjacent To Hollydene, Hall Bank, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys.

Application Reference: 23/1175/RES

Grid Reference: E: 324981 N: 292856 for Reserved matters application in respect of outline planning permission 20/2079/OUT for erection of a rural enterprise dwelling, garage and all associated works at Lynwood, Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6TD.

Application Reference: 23/0673/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 324982 N: 292856 for Erection of agricultural livestock building and all associated works at Lynwood, Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6TD.

Application Reference: 23/0847/OUT

Grid Ref: E: 331872 N: 297322 for Outline Planning Application (all matters reserved) for the erection of up to 4 no. dwellinghouses, with provision of garages and associated works at Land South of Maes Curlew, White Grit, Minsterley, SY5 0JL.

Application Reference: 23/1019/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 328845 N: 293235 for Retrospective planning application for the 'as built' orientation of an agricultural building at The Broads, Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6DU.

Application Reference: 23/1093/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 328297 N: 295391 for Application for the erection of an agricultural building at Meadow Crest, Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6EN.

Application Reference: 23/0969/TRE Cover lettterApplicationReasons

Grid Ref: E: 331398 N: 294207 for Application to fell oak tree within a conservation area at Gorsty House, Hyssington, Montgomery Powys SY15 6AT.

Pre-application Consultation by Developer: Site NoticeCover Letter

For erection of livestock building and all associated works at Lynwood, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys, SY15 6TD.

Application Reference: 23/0704/HH

Grid Reference: E: 329527 N: 294180 for Erection of an extension and a detached garage at Swallow Barn, Hurdley, Churchstoke, Powys, SY15 6DY.

Application Reference: 23/0637/HH

Grid Reference: E: 328472 N: 293598 for Erection of an extension at Todleth House Barn, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys, SY15 6DU.

Application Reference: 23/0361/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 328845 N: 293235 for Extension to an existing agricultural building and the demolition of existing agricultural buildings at The Broads, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys SY15 6DU.

Application Reference: 23/0556/TPO ApplicationMap

Grid Ref: E: 327302 N: 294118 for Crown reduction of an oak tre at Lyndon, Castle Road, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys.

Application Reference: 23/0289/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 326287 N: 292562 for Erection of 2 Rural Enterprise dwellings (semi-detached), formation of access, installation of sewage treatment plant and all associated works at R V W Pugh Ltd, Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6TQ.

Application Reference: 23/0402/LBC

Grid Reference: E: 324071 N: 292526 for Alterations to outbuilding to provide additional living accommodation associated with house at Bacheldre Hall, Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6TE.

Application Reference: 23/0313/HH

Grid Reference: E: 329456 N: 293178 for Single storey extension to dwelling and detached garage at Ivy Cottage, Hyssington, Montgomery, SY15 6DZ.

Application Reference: 23/0245/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 327806 N: 293969 for Proposed Agricultural Building Extension (Retrospective) at The View, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys, SY15 6DT.

Application Reference: 23/0185/TRE Cover lettter, ApplicationMap

Grid Ref: E: 327141 N: 294076 for Coppicing of diseased part of tree (tree no 3) at Padog Bach, Churchstoke, Montgomery Powys SY15 6AF.

Application Reference: 22/2169/REM

Grid Reference: E: 331197 N: 294141 for Section 73 application to vary condition 1 of reserved matters approval 20/2071/RES (outline P/2016/0891) to extend time period for commencement of development at Ael-Y-Bryn, Hyssington, Montgomery, SY15 6AT.

Application Reference: 22/2091/HH

Grid Reference: E: 328295 N: 295179 for Proposed alterations to existing vehicular entrance and demolition of existing garage with lean-to at Green Lane Cottage, Green Lane, Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6EN.

Application Reference: 22/2138/VAR

Grid Reference: E: 330277 N: 297635 for Application to discharge the S106 agreement attached to permission M18263 at The Gables, Weston Road, Minsterley, Shrewsbury.

Application Reference: 22/2021/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 327242 N: 294705 for Change of use of land to operational site for new site extension to accommodate the installation of sewage treatment tanks, a dosing kiosk, associated infrastructure, fencing and landscaping; and the installation of No.2 additional kiosks within the existing operational site and a modified access to the A490 at Land at Sewage Disposal Works, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys, SY15 6DS.

Application Reference: 22/1981/REM

Grid Reference: E: 327408 N: 294170 for Section 73 application to vary condition 2 of planning permission M/1999/0540 in respect of approved plans at Phase 3 and 4, Maes Chwarae, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys.

Application Reference: 22/1829/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 331660 N: 292177 for Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a replacement dwelling, to include installation of a sewage treatment plant and all associated works at Graigfryn, The Snead, Montgomery, Powys, SY15 6EB.

Application Reference: 22/1904/TRE Cover lettter, ApplicationMap

Grid Ref: E: 331283 N: 294116 for works to fell three attached English Elms within a conservation area at The Old Barn, Hyssington, Montgomery, Powys SY15 6AT.

Application Reference: 22/1702/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 330164 N: 292889 for Erection of ground mounted solar PV panels and associated works at Daisy Bank Touring Caravan, Park, Snead, Montgomery, SY15 6EB.

Application Reference: 22/1787/TPO Cover lettter, ApplicationMap

Grid Ref: E: 327302 N: 294118 for Works to an oak tree subject of a Tree Preservation Order at Lyndon, Castle Road, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys.

Pre-application Consultation by Developer Application Reference: FP 12644 NoticeCover Letter

For a site extension, upgrade the access to the site and install 2no. kiosks on the existing operational sit at Church Stoke Sewage Treatment Works (STW), A490, Church Stoke, Powys, Wales, SY15 6DS.

Application Reference: 22/1552/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 329040 N: 294815 for Replacement of barn and cow house with a holiday let log cabin, construction of a small car parking area and installation of a new septic tank at  Field Opposite The Hollies, Old Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys SY15 6EL.

Application Reference: 22/1604/DECC Cover Letter, Application, Map 1, Map 2

Grid Ref: E: 329118 N: 290371 for Application under section 37 of the Electricity Act 1989 to upgrade existing 11kv overhead line to 3 phase at Banks Head, Shepherds Whim, Bishops Castle , SY9 5JW.

Application Reference: 22/1617/TRE Cover lettter, Application, Map, Photographs

Grid Ref: E: 327156 N: 294075 for Works to trees in a conservation area at Public Footpath 210/39/1, that runs along a narrow wooded corridor between A489 and C2054, Churchstoke.

Application Reference: 22/1443/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 327945 N: 293805 for Erection of a storage building (Retrospective) at Crosslikey Supermarket, Offices, Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6AR.

Application Reference: 22/1394/HH

Grid Reference: E: 328587 N: 293606 for Alterations and extension of existing double garage to annexe accommodation to the main residence at The Bryn, Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6DX.

Application Reference: 22/0772/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 328845 N: 293235 for Erection of hay store at The Broads, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys, SY15 6DU.

Application Reference: 22/0566/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 328271 N: 293646 for Erection of an agricultural building for machinery (retrospective) at Todleth View, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys SY15 6DU.

Application Reference: 22/1074/HH

Grid Reference: E: 331398 N: 294207 for Construction of entrance porch at Gorsty House, Hyssington, Montgomery, SY15 6AT.

Application Reference: 22/1000/HH

Grid Reference: E: 328604 N: 294971 for Erection of a garage and workshop, to include the demolition of an existing garage at Glebe Cottage, Old Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys SY15 6DH.

Application Reference: 22/0953/HH

Grid Reference: E: 327140 N: 294075 for Erection of raised platform - retrospective - at Padog Bach, Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6AF.

Application Reference: 22/0855/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 330364 N: 293788 for Installation of a Solar PV Array comprising two rows of ground mounted panels at Llanerch Farm, Hyssington, Montgomery, Powys SY15 6DZ.

Application Reference: 22/0319/LBC

Grid Reference: E: 327772 N: 291813 for Re-slating of roof and installation of insulation at Pentre Mill, Pentre, Churchstoke, Powys SY15 6SU.

Application Reference: 22/0146/TRE Cover letterApplicationPlanTree Report

Grid Ref: E: 327177 N: 294062 for Application for works to trees in a conservation area at Elmhurst, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys SY15 6AF.

Application Reference: 21/2081/FUL

Grid Reference: E:326023 N: 291347 for Conversion of upper floor of farm building to a domestic annexe at Cwm Farm, Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6TH.

Application Reference: 21/2217/TRE Cover letter, Application, Location, Applicant letter, Photo Spruce, Photo AshPhoto Ash x2

Grid Ref: E: 331430 N: 294509 for Felling of 1 ash tree and 1 spruce tree together with pruning of 2 ash trees at Pinfold, Hyssington, Montgomery SY15 6AT.

Application Reference: 21/1836/HH

Grid Reference: E: 330978 N: 294206 for Deconstruction and rebuilding of adjoining domestic barn to form additional living accommodation, to include alterations at The Barns, Hyssington, Montgomery, Powys, SY15 6EG.

Application Reference: 21/1645/HH

Grid Reference: E: 329040 N: 294815 for Demolition of existing dwelling side extension and replacement with new two storey extension; and demolition of existing garage and replacement with new detached garage and storage space at The Hollies, Old Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6EL.

Application Reference: 21/1530/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 327770 N: 291973 for Retrospective application for dog kennels and dog grooming parlour and improvements to existing access at Pleasant View, Pentre, Churchstoke, SY15 6SU.

Application Reference: 21/0901/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 324982 N: 292856 for Erection of agricultural building and all associated works at Lynwood, Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6TD.

Application Reference: 21/1273/HH

Grid Reference: E: 327113 N: 294054 for Erection of raised platform, erection of outbuilding on top of raised platform, extension of residential curtilage at Hen Felin, Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6AF.

Application Reference: 21/1186/HH

Grid Reference: E: 327118 N: 294312 for Conversion of existing attached garage space into living space, internal alterations and fenestration alterations, and the erection of detached double garage at The Horse and Jockey Inn, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys SY15 6AE.

Application Reference: 21/1215/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 332166 N: 296612 for Proposed erection of a single storey timber framed accommodation block for centre manager and visiting teacher(s) at Satipanya, Hyssington, Montgomery, Powys.

Application Reference: 21/1144/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 324361 N: 291630 for Replacement of existing farmhouse (retrospective) at Lake Farm, Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6TG.

Application Reference: 21/1054/HH

Grid Reference: E: 325397 N: 290936 for Proposed single storey extension to existing dwelling at Ash Barn, Great Argoed, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys, SY15 6TH.

Application Reference: 21/0653/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 329892 N: 292954 for Siting of up to 10 self-storage containers on existing areas of hardstanding within a secure compound including erection of new 2.4 m high fence and gates and  alterations to existing access at Old Timber Yard, Snead, Montgomery, Powys SY15 6EB.

Application Reference: 21/0980/RES

Grid Reference: E: 327550 N: 294575 for Reserved matters application in respect of outline planning consent 19/0993/OUT for the erection of 4 dwellings (all matters reserved) at Land Adjacent to Hollydene, Hall Bank, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys, SY15 6EN.

Application Reference: 21/0982/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 327550 N: 294575 for Change of use of agricultural land to domestic curtilage adjacent to allocated housing site (19/0993/OUT) at Land Adjacent to Hollydene, Hall Bank, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys, SY15 6EN.

Application Reference: 21/0203/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 324982 N: 292856 for Erection of agricultural building and all associated works at Lynwood, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys, SY15 6TD.

Application Reference: 21/0611/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 327806 N: 293969 for Erection of an extension to an existing agricultural building at The View, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys SY15 6DT.

Application Reference: 21/0676/DEE (reference change from 21/0634/VAR notified by planning authority 26th Apr'21)

Grid Reference: E: 327615 N: 294036 for Application to discharge point 2.1 of the first schedule, within the S106 agreement attached to P/2015/0340 relating to an affordable housing scheme at Ridgeway View (formerly known as Land Adjacent Buttercup House), Churchstoke.

Application Reference: 21/0279/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 325422 N: 290903 for Siting of two holiday units, formation of parking area and all associated works at Land SE of Great Argoed, Churchstoke.

Application Reference: 21/0020/HH

Grid Reference: E: 331244 N: 294177 for Installation of a roof-light and new windows at Fir Cones, Hyssington, Montgomery, SY15 6AT.

Application Reference: 20/2079/OUT

Grid Reference: E: 324982 N: 292856 for Outline application for erection of rural enterprise dwelling, garage and all associated works at Lynwood, Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6TD.

Application Reference: 20/2045/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 329118 N: 290371 for Demolition of existing farmhouse and erection of a replacement dwelling, to include the installation of a package treatment plant and other associated works at Shepherds Whym Farm, Banks Head, Bishops Castle, SY9 5JW.

Application Reference: 20/2071/RES

Grid Reference: E: 331197 N: 294141 for Reserved matters application in respect of outline consent P/2016/0891 for erection of a dwelling and associated works at Ael-y-bryn, Hyssington, Montgomery, Powys SY15 6AT.

Application Reference: 20/1966/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 329887 N: 295812 for Conversion of barn A to create annexe accommodation to existing dwelling and conversion of barn B to create holiday accommodation, installation of sewage treatment plant and all associated works at Corndon Malt House, Old Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys SY15 6EL.

Application Reference: 20/1901/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 326029 N: 290521 for Siting of 4 holiday pods, installation of sewage treatment plant, hard standing areas, alterations to existing access and all other associated works at The Drewin Farm, Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6TW.

Application Reference: 20/1707/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 330893 N: 292985 for Conversion and alteration of an outbuilding to provide a holiday let at Outbuilding at Upper Snead, Snead, Montgomery, Powys, SY15 6EB.

Application Reference: 20/1710/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 328151 N: 295119 for Creation of a new vehicular access and associated works at The Brynkin, Green Lane, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys.

Application Reference: 20/1663/HH

Grid Reference: E: 326419 N: 292315 for Retrospective application for the installation of a handrail above the car port to create a balcony at Trydar Barn, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys, SY15 6TQ.

Application Reference: 20/1661/TPO Application Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4Location Plan

Grid Ref: E: 327470 N: 294253 for Application for works to trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order at The Stilt House, Hall Bank, Churchstoke Montgomery, Powys.

Application Reference: 20/1653/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 327965 N: 293717 for Erection of a storage building (part retrospective) at Montgomery Natural Spring Water, Crosslikey Supermarket, Churchstoke, Montgomery Powys.

Application Reference: 20/1592/RES

Grid Reference: E: 327654 N: 293901 for Application for reserved matters following the approval of P/2017/0654 for the erection of 3 dwellings, garages and associated works at Land At The Firs, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys, SY15 6AH

Application Reference: 20/1377/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 329892 N: 292954 for Change of use of a building (B1(c)) to a dwelling and all associated works at Old Timber Yard, Broadway Hall, Snead, Churchstoke, Powys.

Application Reference: 20/1374/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 326526 N: 291157 for Conversion of outbuildings to 3 dwellings, to include an extension, improvements to existing vehicular access, formation of two passing bays, installation of sewage treatment plant and all associated works at Outbuildings at Tan House, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys SY15 6TL.

Application Reference: 20/1329/HH

Grid Reference: E: 330978 N: 294206 for Alterations and extensions to existing farmhouse including demolition of side extension and alterations to adjoining domestic outbuilding to form additional living accommodation at The Barns, Hyssington, Montgomery, Powys SY15 6EG.

Application Reference: 20/0948/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 331162 N: 294166 for Change of use application from domestic office within the detached garage to shared hair / wig salon at Rhiastyn House, Hyssington.

Application Reference: 20/0674/HH

Grid Reference: E: 328351 N: 293446 for Demolition of building and erection of annexe to existing building at Hoarstone, Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6DU.

Application Reference: 20/0767/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 324071 N: 292526 for Conversion of barn to dwelling house and all associated works at Barn at Bacheldre Hall, Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6TE.

Application Reference: 20/0480/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 327656 N: 294902 for Change of use of building from office to domestic use garage at Blue Barn, Green Lane, Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys.

Application Reference: 20/0716/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 328484 N: 294335 for Proposed construction of a general purpose agricultural building at Todleth Farm, Old Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6DH.

Application Reference: 20/0636/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 331257 N: 294129 for Conversion and change of use of former Methodist Chapel to holiday cottage at Methodist Chapel, Hyssington, Churchstoke, SY15 6EG.

Application Reference: 20/0652/REM

Grid Reference: E: 324361 N: 291630 for Section 73 application for variation of conditions 2 and 5 and removal of condition 4 of planning approval 19/1597/HH at Lake Farm, Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6TG.

Application Reference: 20/0641/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 327770 N: 291973 for Retrospective application for the erection of two buildings (containing dog kennels, grooming parlour and food storage) and the change of use of land to dog exercise area at Pleasant View, Pentre, Churchstoke, SY15 6SU.

Application Reference: 20/0646/HH

Grid Reference: E: 326410 N: 292362 for Conversion of outbuilding to additional living accommodation ancillary to Court House Cottage at Court House Cottage, Churchstoke, Montgomery, SY15 6TQ.

Application Reference: 20/0220/TRE Application, Map, Report, Photo, Photo, Photo, Photo, Photo.

Grid Reference: E: 331357 N: 294571 for Works to a tree in conservation area to remove / prune damaged and rotten branches at St Etheldreda's Church, Hyssington.

Application Reference: 20/0090/HH

Grid Reference: E: 330978 N: 294206 for Demolition of the existing garage and erection of a replacement garage with living area above at The Barns, Hyssington.

Application Reference: 19/1807/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 331324 N: 294160 for Move site entrance 3.8 metres north from current position at Development at Hyssington Farm, Gorsty Lane, Hyssington.

Application Reference: 19/1798/REM

Grid Reference: E: 327612 N: 293940 for Section 73 application to vary condition no. 2 attached to outline approval P/2016/0721 for up to 45 dwellings to allow extension of time for further 3 years to submit reserved matters application at Land Adjoining Fir House, Churchstoke.

Application Reference: 19/1782/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 330095 N: 295255 for Erection of a rural enterprise dwelling, installation of a septic tank and all associated works at Land at Great Brithdir, Old Churchstoke.

Application Reference: 19/1810/DEM Application, MapReport

Grid Reference: E: 328224 N: 293897 for Demolition of a barn at Barn at Mount Pleasant, Churchstoke.

Application Reference: 19/1696/REM

Grid Reference: E: 327514 N: 294097 for Section 73 application to vary condition 24 (i) from planning consent P/2017/1076 to allow 12 affordable homes instead of 28 at Former Hatchery Site, Churchstoke.

Application Reference: 19/1597/HH

Grid Reference: E: 324361 N: 291630 for Demolition of attached lean-to extension, erection of a two storey rear extension, external alterations and formation of a turning area and vehicular parking at Lake Farm, Churchstoke.

Application Reference: 19/1459/RES

Grid Reference: E: 331850 N: 297385 for Application for reserved matters following the approval of P/2016/1052 for the erection of a dwelling with a garage and all associated works at Land Opposite Manor, Cottage, White Grit.

Application Reference: 19/1198/OUT

Grid Reference: E: 330730 N: 297675 for Erection of an affordable dwelling, creation of vehicular access (some matters reserved) at  Land Adjacent To Moorlands, Weston Road, White Grit.

Application Reference: 19/1051/VAR

Grid Reference: E: 327563 N: 294039 for Discharge of S106 agreement attached to permission M/2006/1182 relating to occupancy at Buttercup House, Churchstoke.

Application Reference: 19/0993/OUT

Grid Reference: E: 327550 N: 294575 for Erection of 4 dwellings with garages (all matters reserved) at Land Adjacent to Hollydene, Hall Bank, Churchstoke.

Application Reference: 19/0935/FUL

Grid Reference: E: 324982 N: 292856 for Erection of an extension to a silage clamp and all associated works at Lynwood, Churchstoke.

Application Reference: 19/0803/RES

Grid Reference: E: 327563 N: 294039 for All reserved matters application in connection with proposed 40 dwelling houses approved under outline permission P/2015/0340 at Buttercup House, Churchstoke.

Application Ref:<

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